The Leading Edge: A Key to Becoming a Leader of Leaders

In 2006, while I was working as a corporate trainer at a multinational corporation, I started teaching in a professional development program designed for top performers in the company.  For the first time in my career, I had trainees who were, for the most part, older and more accomplished than I was. The participants in…

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The Leading Edge: Forging Connections

What I’ve learned about forging solid, long-lasting relationships with new friends in a foreign country is that it requires dedicated time, energy, determination, understanding and courage. Of the 5 characteristics I’ve shared, the most challenging one is understanding. How do you plant yourself on foreign soil, in a fresh environment and allow one to take…

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The Leading Edge: Connection: It’s Not About You

Recently, I attended a meeting with representatives of our City Planning Department. There were plans to redirect a road that would affect an apartment community we manage, and I needed to understand the implications it might have on our business. Many city governments are notoriously difficult to work with. No one likes the red tape…

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