The Leading Edge: Mastermind Groups Are Like a Fitness Class for Personal Development
By Michael Gueltig Jr., certified John Maxwell Team coach, speaker & trainer Having been an educator for nearly ten years, I know what power there is in reading a book with colleagues. It provides a common focus for discussion, a place to learn new ideas, and a group on which to lean and share ideas…
Read MoreThe Leading Edge: 5 Reasons to Join a Mastermind Group
By Malachi Thompson III, certified John Maxwell Team coach, speaker & trainer When you read John Maxwell’s 15 Invaluable Laws of Growth, it is very clear that you need to have a deliberate growth plan to ensure you are not simply fantasizing. Mаѕtеrmindѕ are an incredible way to start your intentional growth journey. They can…
Read MoreThe Leading Edge: Masterminds Change Lives!
By Amy J. Malay, certified John Maxwell Team coach, speaker & trainer At the time that I joined The John Maxwell Team, I had no idea what a Mastermind was. Little did I know how much impact this concept would have! As I absorbed all the amazing teaching from the mentors on the team, I…
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The Leading Edge:
24 Months With the John Maxwell Team
By Emmanuel Udo, certified John Maxwell Team coach, speaker & trainer The John Maxwell Team (JMT) has had a very profound impact on my life and equipped me to impact other lives through groups referred to as Masterminds. Although I became acquainted with John Maxwell in 2004 when I attended the Million Leaders Mandate Training…
Read MoreThe Leading Edge: From Fear To Fun
There’s no doubt about it. Glossophobia is still the top phobia. It ranks above arachnophobia, acrophobia, and thanatophobia. In simple English, public speaking ranks above the fear of spiders, fear of heights, and fear of death! A Chapman University Survey on American Fears found that 25.3% say they fear to speak in front of a…
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