3-Day Live Certification Training Event
With John C. Maxwell on March 20 to March 22, 2017. Orlando, Florida.
Read MoreThe Leading Edge – On Choosing Growth
“Without the challenges that we have faced and overcome, we would not be the people that we are today.” -Monica Rogers-Fletcher, certified John Maxwell Team coach, speaker, and teacher Isn’t it amazing that though we have heard a certain saying or quote at various times in our lives, there comes a point where it seems…
Read MoreMastermind Groups: The Most Powerful Tool You’re NOT Using!
The term “mastermind group” may be unfamiliar to many of us, however, it is often one of the most powerful tools we can use to take our personal development to the next level. Napoleon Hill first introduced the term in the 1920s and went on to expand the definition a decade later in his book…
Read MoreDo You Have The Right Mentor?
Who are the mentors in your life? Are you engaging in relationships that help you stretch and reach your goals? As John Maxwell says, “We all need someone to help us in our pursuit of intentional growth and the right mentor helps you take massive leaps forward.” Sorin Popa, the President of the John Maxwell…
Read MoreWhat Is Leadership?
As a kid, I was often told that being the boss made you a leader. A boss sits atop the organizational chart and tells people what to do and how to things get done. At 18 years old, I had the opportunity to host a talk radio program for teens and college-aged students. I quickly…
Read MoreThe Leading Edge: Where There’s Vision, There’s Always PROVISION
In August 2011, I was a stay-at-home mom with two sons under the age of two. I left Corporate America in 2008 to start my family and go after my dreams of becoming a motivational speaker and writer. But between changing diapers and cleaning the house, my dream was slowly fading. Then one day in…
Read MoreWhere Will Your Dreams Take You?
“No matter what comes your way, never give up, never quit!” -Maria Ximena Martinez, Certified John Maxwell Team coach, speaker & trainer How much time do you spend casting your vision? It may seem like an irrelevant activity and in the business world, time is money. But can you really afford to stay stagnant when…
Read MoreDo Leadership Qualities Make Good Leaders?
There have been many strong leaders throughout history: Abraham Lincoln, Winston Churchill, Martin Luther King, Mother Teresa, Ronald Reagan, Fidel Castro, Adolf Hitler, Joseph Stalin, Saddam Hussein, and Osama bin Laden just to name a few. They were all leaders who had vision and were driven and passionate about their cause. They knew how to…
Read MoreThe Leading Edge: Develop Yourself Like A Naval Aviator
“I quickly realized that I had so much more to learn in order to become a great leader.” – Russell Stalters, certified John Maxwell Team Coach, Speaker & Teacher When I started my career as a Naval Aviator after graduating from college, my training and development continued for many years. First, there was flight training…
Read MoreExecutive Coaching is For Leaders Who Are Ready To Embrace The Process
Travis Kalanick, the CEO of Uber, stated recently, “I need to fundamentally change and grow up. I seriously need leadership help.” This has come after videos and images of his most recent outburst with one of his Uber drivers. These incidents have been very public and are not the way a CEO wants to lead…
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