THE DAILY GROWTH CHALLENGE 2018: The Year You Make Your Personal Growth A Priority

Most people underestimate the unimportance of nearly everything in their lives. They get distracted. As a result, they put growth on the back burner, and if they do grow, it happens accidentally instead of intentionally. Take a look at your calendar for the next twelve months. How much time have you specifically scheduled for personal growth? If you’re like most people, your answer will be none. Or you may have planned to attend one event in the coming year. That’s not going to cut it.

The Growth Challenge: Make Time for Personal Growth… DAILY!
Rework your calendar so you have an appointment with yourself for personal growth every day, 5 days a week, 50 weeks a year.
You might be thinking, What? I don’t have time for that! That’s probably true. Do it anyway.
Take a look at the differences between accidental growth and intentional growth:
If you want to succeed, you need to do whatever it takes. Get up an hour early. Stay up an hour later. Give up your lunch hour. Put in extra time on the weekends. If you don’t, you’ll have to prepare to give up your dreams and any hope of reaching your potential.
Start now. No matter what time of day you’re reading these words, make a commitment to start growing today. Put in the time today and for the next five days. You probably won’t feel like doing it. Do it anyway.
(Excerpt from John Maxwell’s 15 Invaluable Laws of Growth)
Want Some Accountability? Share the Challenge with Your Friends!
I’m committed to making daily personal growth a priority this year. Join me! » «
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Make Personal Growth a Priority This Year!
Join us for the 15 Invaluable Laws of Growth Virtual 4-Week Mastermind beginning January 10th. Spaces are limited. You must pre-register to save your spot!