The Leading Edge: Say Goodbye to Resolutions and
Instead Be Resolute with Six Steps for Success in 2018

By: Nicole Karnowski

Are you one of the millions who make a New Year’s resolution in January only to find it has failed after a few weeks? Well you are not alone. One statistic found only 8-percent of people actually kept their resolutions. Another report from Business Insider found that 80-percent of resolutions fail by February. How about you try something new and opt to be resolute in 2018? The definition of resolute is an adjective that means, “firm, unyielding, determined.” This word describes how we need to be to actually accomplish the goal(s) we want to achieve.

I have found with myself and with my Coaching clients there is a way to forge a new path and move your thoughts and words into action. I have put it into just six steps for your success in 2018.

1. Pick one thing or one area you want to work on or make changes in.

If you pick just one it will be easier for you to focus and be able to do this thing consistently. Many people have a whole list of things they want to fix or change but the fact is focusing on one thing will help you get there faster. That doesn’t mean
you can’t have a master list of things. However, when you are starting out just pick one from that list. Once you have achieved success in this area you can celebrate that success and move on to the next thing on your master list. Small steps over time equals big results and this rings true with success. Once we master one area it will start to carry over into other areas.

2. Make your one thing a S.M.A.R.T. goal.

Simply stated that means your one goal or area of focus should be Specific, Measureable, Achievable, Realistic and Timely. For example, if someone says I want to lose weight. That is not specific enough to be able to track. However, if someone says I would like to lose ten pounds by March 1st . I will do this by exercising 3-5 times per week for at least an hour a day. I will also adopt a healthy diet that will not exceed 2000 calories per day. That meets all of the requirements to be considered a S.M.A.R.T. goal and you will be able to track your success more effectively.

3. Figure out your WHY.

You might ask why this matters! When push comes to shove and you feel like giving up it will be easier to push through, resist temptation and forge through the fire of sacrifice and struggle if you know why you want to achieve this goal. If someone
wants to lose weight to fit into a smaller pant size, well that may not be as powerful as a why that has health reasons or an emotional or relational aspect to it. For example, if someone wants to lose weight to avoid going on diabetes medication
or so they don’t have to miss out on hiking with their grandkids those are powerful whys or reasons that will help someone press on when feel like giving up.

4. Be Intentional.

Move your thoughts into ACTION daily until it becomes a habit. (Be patient! This may take longer than you think.) We have been told forming a new habit or changing something takes just 21 days. However, according to one study by psychologist Jeremy Dean wrote in his book, Making Habits, Breaking Habits, …it took on average 66 days until a habit was formed.” Be willing to stick with it and persevere.

5. Celebrate successes and when you have mastered one goal or area then move on to the next, following the same pattern and intention.

Making changes in life are never easy but if we want to grow, stretch and change our lives we have to commit to what we want to see happen. John C. Maxwell sums it up best, “We cannot become what we need by remaining what we are.” Also, “If we are
growing we are always going to be outside of our comfort zone.”

6. If you are stuck or struggling recruit help.

If you can’t do it alone don’t be defeated get a friend to help you stay on course. If that isn’t an option then you might consider a coach. I don’t just say this because we do this but because I have seen the benefits of a Coach to help me go further, faster
by holding me accountable and asking the right questions.

The future is yours. What do you want to commit to and be resolute about in the New Year? What needs to change or grow? Now is the time. Here’s to your success in 2018.

Nicole Karnowski is a John Maxwell Certified Coach, Speaker and Trainer. Nicole and her husband, Michael own Metamorphosis Coaching, Consulting and Training in Duluth, Minnesota. They are DISC Certified and have trained teams internationally. They coach, consult, speak and train on foundational leadership and communication principles that help people transform their lives, families and businesses to impact the world around them for good. In her spare time Nicole loves reading everything leadership and personal growth. She can be found in her free time hiking the great Northwoods with her husband and family.