Who’s the Boss?

Here is a conversation between myself and a former boss as we watched an event unfold that had been successfully planned and carried out by the rest of the team: The Boss: Why does my staff not do what I tell them to do? Me: Maybe because you’re telling them and not asking them nicely…

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You Live What You Allow

We were black in a predominantly white community in the late 70’s, in the UK, where racism was prevalent. We hadn’t personally experienced it but we knew friends who had. Although racism was a reality, I noticed that many of my friends used their colour as an excuse for not moving forward in life. I’d…

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Mirror, Mirror On the Wall

If you’re like me and get song lyrics stuck in your head sometimes, then you know that some of those times, those lyrics really are trying to speak to you. Right now, I’m enjoying some down time from the office, doing some reflecting on this year and goal setting for a rapidly approaching new year.…

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The Gift of Accountability

Once upon a time there was a noun named Accountability, the precious offspring of Love. Without anyone to hold accountable, Accountability sought Wisdom and learned that it’s not good to be alone. Now operating in true purpose, Accountability enjoyed the life-changing understanding of esteeming others better than itself. Accountability began to hold others accountable, as…

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Honing Your Talent

What do Bill Gates, Mother Theresa and Oprah have in common! Ever heard the saying “your gift will make a way for you”? What do you think? I dare say this is what individuals like Bill Gates, Mother Theresa and Oprah have in common; their gifts (natural talents and abilities) – and plenty of hard…

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Wouldn’t Be Nice If Goals Were Not A Waste Of Time?

Every January, the world gets all fired up because it’s a new year and we get a fresh start, right? Well, maybe, but what is it that you are really starting? We set goals and start off on a hot streak and then, for many, watch the flame slowly fade away. John Maxwell has focused…

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The ABCs of Coaching

 While much has been written on the topic of coaching, there are some basic ideas to consider in any lane of coaching. Consider these: Attitude. Check your own attitude first. Am I giving my best self today? Have I cleared my head of my own challenges and issues? Do I have my own agenda, or…

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Are you a student of leadership?

In John Maxwell’s 21 Irrefutable Laws of Leadership, the very first law he addresses is the Law of the Lid. What exactly is that you ask? He explains it as this… “Leadership ability is the lid that determines a person’s level of effectiveness. Your leadership ability always determines your effectiveness and the potential impact of…

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I’m Prescribing A Corrective Transplant

I know it’s the diet time of year, but… I love my son, but… You’re doing a great job, but… I’m thrilled being married to you, but… I’m happy in life, but… As soon as you utter that one little three-letter word, you’ve negated whatever statement came previously. I recently had a conversation with a…

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The Power of Leadership

On the night of April 18, 1775, two men rode out of Boston with news that the British army was marching the following morning to crush the American colonies’ fledgling rebellion before it had a chance to get started. One rider went southwest, then turned north, the other rode directly northwest. Both stopped to warn…

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