JMT Blog

Are You Winning in the Right Places?

My hometown team, the Seattle Seahawks won the Super Bowl this year and more than 700,000 people flooded downtown Seattle for the victory parade. Keep in mind there are only 635,000 residents in the entire city and they’re not all football fans. That means a significant number of the metro area’s 3.5 million residents took…

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Hungry for More: The Power of Passionate Intention

The most effective and powerful speakers speak from their heart, drawing on personal stories to amplify their message. And they connect with their audience, leaving them hungry for more. But how? They connect with their audience because they speak with passionate intention. This special gift allows them to speak with the authority and power that…

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The Sound of a Paradigm

Fear “there is no passion which so quickly unhinges our judgement.” – Montaigne I love to listen to musical artists’ such as Van Morrison, Joe Cocker, Bruce Springsteen, Blind Lemon Jefferson and Muddy Waters. I know that’s an eclectic group but there is a commonality that they share. None of these artist posses what you…

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How to Be Successful

‘If you start today to do the right thing, you are already a success, even if it doesn’t show yet.’ – John Maxwell. We all want to be successful, don’t we? We may not say it as boldly as that, but underneath it all – we do want to be successful. This could be in…

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Transformational Leadership – Part 2

In part one of this series on the 12 distinctive attributes of transformational leadership we discussed what transformational leadership is, as well as why and where it is needed. In part two we will identify and develop the 12 transformational leadership attributes of the following seven biblical figures: Moses, Joshua, David, Nehemiah, Jesus, Peter, and…

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4 Tips on How to Network With Someone You Admire

Have you ever received an invitation to an awards gala, a workshop/conference or even a networking mixer where a celebrity expert that you admire is also scheduled to attend? I have and knowing what to say or do can be stressful. Here are four tips I have found, that have help break the ice when…

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Breakthrough Using the 3 Principles of the Law of Addition

The Law of Addition from John C. Maxwell’s The 21 Irrefutable Laws of Leadership says, “Leaders Add Value by Serving Others.” As a coach, I work to help others increase their awareness, and give them a different perspective when needed. Each coaching relationship is unique, and the coaching process can lead to a breakthrough for…

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Who Moved My Pimento Cheese?

In my life, I have attended many receptions, church fellowships, and general ‘finger food’ types of gatherings. Over the years, I began to notice a strange occurrence – if there were pimento cheese sandwiches on the table at the start of the event, there were almost always pimento cheese sandwiches on the table at the…

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What I Learned from Green Eggs & Ham

Recently I came across an old childhood favourite by Dr. Seuss, Green Eggs & Ham. It took me right back to my early school days where we’d expectantly sit in the reading corner with our legs crossed and arms folded, bursting with anticipation for when the title of the day’s story would be revealed. I…

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