JMT Blog

The Leading Edge: The way you play the GAME is how you win the GAME

As Spring arrives here in North America, nature awakens from its Winter slumber. Plants begin to sprout green shoots of growth and the promise of flowers comes forth in the appearance of new buds. Thoughts of opening day of the baseball season and the boys of summer are on the minds of many. My mum…

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The Leading Edge: Never Stop Learning!

“Yes. Yes, I have learned. I am never going to stop.” -Marie Cosgrove, certified John Maxwell Team coach, speaker, and teacher I’m incredibly blessed to have been raised by my grandparents. It was my grandfather who gave me the best advice I still follow today. He would say, “You need to exercise your mind, just…

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Are You Really a Team Leader?

Do you think of yourself as a leader? For many of us, there’s something inside of us that is drawn to leadership roles. We can’t help it. We’re the ones who love to take charge in a group setting, and we love being the ones who make decisions. We see potential and opportunity in every…

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3-Day Live Certification Training Event

With John C. Maxwell on March 20 to March 22, 2017. Orlando, Florida.

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The Leading Edge – On Choosing Growth

“Without the challenges that we have faced and overcome, we would not be the people that we are today.” -Monica Rogers-Fletcher, certified John Maxwell Team coach, speaker, and teacher Isn’t it amazing that though we have heard a certain saying or quote at various times in our lives, there comes a point where it seems…

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Mastermind Groups: The Most Powerful Tool You’re NOT Using!

The term “mastermind group” may be unfamiliar to many of us, however, it is often one of the most powerful tools we can use to take our personal development to the next level. Napoleon Hill first introduced the term in the 1920s and went on to expand the definition a decade later in his book…

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Do You Have The Right Mentor?

Who are the mentors in your life? Are you engaging in relationships that help you stretch and reach your goals? As John Maxwell says, “We all need someone to help us in our pursuit of intentional growth and the right mentor helps you take massive leaps forward.” Sorin Popa, the President of the John Maxwell…

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What Is Leadership?

As a kid, I was often told that being the boss made you a leader. A boss sits atop the organizational chart and tells people what to do and how to things get done. At 18 years old, I had the opportunity to host a talk radio program for teens and college-aged students. I quickly…

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The Leading Edge: Where There’s Vision, There’s Always PROVISION

In August 2011, I was a stay-at-home mom with two sons under the age of two. I left Corporate America in 2008 to start my family and go after my dreams of becoming a motivational speaker and writer. But between changing diapers and cleaning the house, my dream was slowly fading. Then one day in…

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