Barbara Gustavson – Growing in Leaps and Bounds!

barbara-gustavson“I feel like celebrating! I just won another ribbon for ‘Best Speaker’ at my local Toastmasters Club and to think that a few short months ago, I was terrified of public speaking. Thank you to the John Maxwell Team for teaching me how to be authentic and an inspiration to others on stage! You gave me the confidence and now I love public speaking.” ~ Barbara Gustavson, Virginia, USA

One of my Mastermind participants is a COO of a successful company who has just had a leadership article published in which she referenced John C. Maxwell’s leadership principles. Multiple time she has stated what an impact the Mastermind Groups have had on her. I love being part of the process that helps others grow; it’s better than opening presents on Christmas Day! Thank you to the John Maxwell Team for providing me with the knowledge and training I need to inspire others.” ~ Barbara Gustavson, Virginia, USA

Barbara, you have put your trust in the John Maxwell Team  to bring out your capabilities to a more advanced state… and, to help you express your full potential. Thank you for allowing us to partner with you on your success. Congratulations!

Barbara, why did you join the John Maxwell Team?

I always had dreams of helping people in a significant way, and I found myself pouring into others but was often left feeling very drained.   I thought that was normal and even strangely felt proud for sacrificing my time and energy, but then a couple of years ago I came across a quote I will never forget – “You cannot give that which you do not have”.  

For the first time I realized I wasn’t drained because I was so busy “helping” people, it was because I was empty to begin with.   You see, as ridiculous as this might sound, I had believed from a very young age that to do something for myself was selfish, and so when I did do something for myself I felt guilty.  

After realizing all this, I set out to do something about it because I wanted to do more in life, and to be more to the people around me.  They deserved me at my best, and the more I could fill myself the more I could fill others.   I began to crave personal growth and then my husband, Paul, who joined the original JMT Founder’s Circle in 2011, introduced me to the JMT.   In March 2012, I joined not having a clue what to expect, but having a sense of peace that I was at the right place with the right people that I needed to have around me on this new chapter in my life.

How specifically did you grow by being in the John Maxwell Team?

Being on the JMT has helped me discover that I have potential and BIG dreams and passions.   It has helped improve greatly in areas of communication and connecting with people by applying basic principles and practices.   But most importantly, learning how to lead myself and having a healthier belief system has benefited me the most.   I’ve been able to push through fears and believe in my significance and successful.   I’m grateful to now have opportunities to teach others about personal growth and coach them to finding and living out their purpose.

How do you think this program would benefit others?

If they feel stuck in any area of their life or are tired of going in circles, and want better results and help others get better results, consider being part of a team. The JMT will teach them how to grow and hold them accountable. Not only will they grow, people around them will benefit from their growth, and so will their business. People all around us are looking for hope and better results, and when they see us clear on our purpose, they are going to want us to help make a difference in their lives.

About Barbara Valentine Gustavson:
Her passion is to help others grow, find their purpose and live it fully.   In her business, Discover Next Step, she works with leaders whose goal is to lead and help others.   Because of personal experiences, one of her dreams for her business is to also work along side medical professionals and coach them and their staff to help them gain the clarity they need to have breakthroughs for their patients.   Barbara also provides a platform for other leaders through interviews to share their stories of how they’ve empowered and given hope to others.