Who we are matters!

The key to this program working for us, is allowing it to work on us. We have to not only talk about leadership principles but apply them in our lives.

What held me back most in my life was not competency but character, both are components of trust. Most people work on competency. But only 13% of our results come from competency. 87% of our results come from character.  

I have grown since joining the JMT with my son, Eric Story. I remember telling him, “I will not let John down. This is a big deal.” That statement has led to the greatest growth for me personally.  Who I am and what I do matters! Earning his trust matters!    

We are in the RIGHT program. It WILL work if we become the RIGHT person!  Who am I to make this statement?!? The better question is “Who was I before I was able to make this statement?”

Someone that barely graduated high school, became a front line factory worker, started college at age 25 while working, basically didn’t speak to my Dad for 22 years.

 I also got it wrong as a Dad and didn’t have a relationship with Eric during his teenage years. I was very reactive, judgmental, and self-centered.

I didn’t value others or have a desire to help them. I just wanted them to leave me alone, and let me do my job. I’m also divorced 3 times. Obviously, I’m only hitting the highlights of 22 years of being a loser. But, I figured it out!

That’s why after 28 years I stopped drinking alcohol, turned off my cable, quit wasting my own and others time, read daily, and teach leadership constantly. I feel the degree to which I live that which I teach will determine my influence. We must be the change we want to see!

What I discovered was that I was always a learner and wouldn’t always be a loser. I progressed very well in areas relative to my competency. But, you can imagine my struggles relative to my character, especially in the early years. I was too heavily focused on competency while neglecting character.

Today I learn, apply, and live leadership principles. I’m happily married for nearly 12 amazing years to RIA. I figured out my problem. ME!

My 22 year old son, Eric, joined my team at 19. Our relationship is great. I figured out my problem. ME!

I speak to my Dad and don’t blame him any longer. He hasn’t changed one bit. I figured out my problem. ME!

There’s a recurring theme. ME!

Transformation Begins with ME, but it doesn’t end with me!

My Mom has also now joined the John Maxwell team. We now have 3 generations in JMT plus my wife, Ria!  

 We need to live like it. Who we are matters!

About the Author

Mack-and-Ria-Presidential-Palace-1Mack is passionate about strengthening his character most of all in order to build greater trust and relationships with others. He wants to model what he teaches by reflecting it in the way that he lives. He truly enjoys seeing others realize the potential that lies within them. Contact him at  http://www.johncmaxwellgroup.com/mackstory   to learn more!


1 Comment

  1. Mike Harbour on August 3, 2013 at 10:41 pm

    Mack, glad to know you and be on the same team with you and your family. You are a giant in the world my friend. It takes huge amounts of courage to share our stories and admit “we” are the problem and not the world around us. I congratulate you and look forward to hearing big things from you and your team.