What is Your Vision Worth?

That was the topic of my devotional one morning. I thought it was fitting since I was preparing for my 12pm mastermind group talking about the Law of Sacrifice from the 21 Irrefutable Laws of Leadership. A leader must give up to go up!

My devotional, Sun Stand Still, asked questions like, “What would you give up for your vision? …Your time? Your pay grade? Your comfortable lifestyle? Your current career to start a new one? Your current home to move to a new one in a new city? Your relationships that are holding you back or bringing you down? Even your life?

Those were the questions staring at me that particular morning…challenging my thinking, my passion, and my drive. It required me to truly think about, what am I willing to give up to see my own personal vision through?

Would I be like my new friend Hannah from Botswana, South Africa? Or would I be like my other new friend FiFi? She was another woman from South Africa who I met on a separate occasion, attending college here in the states.

You see, I had the pleasure of meeting my friend Hannah this past summer at a speaker’s conference in Concord, NC. A conference in which I literally drove less than 10 miles from the comfort of my home to attend. One in which she flew around the world to be able to attend. Most of the participants were from all over the US, a few were local like myself, and then there was Hannah.

Surprised at the distance she traveled, I anticipated her telling me all of the great things she would do and see after the conference was over. But she didn’t. Her travel plans literally led her directly to the conference the day of and back on her journey 3 days later after it ended. A time frame long enough to obtain all that she needed to learn and deal with the consequences and nagging feelings of jet lag. She would immediately head back to her country to share all that she learned and purchased with others.

I found it interesting that others have always called me bold and courageous throughout my life. I thought I was too, until I met Hannah. Could I do what she did? Was my vision worth it? I thought about it on my 10 mile drive back to the house and many times since then.

Then there was FiFi. I met her about 4 weeks after meeting Hannah at a function. We realized quickly during our casual conversation that we wanted to stay connected. Her major was in HR with an interest in Industrial Organizational psychology. My background was in HR with a concentration in Organizational Development, so we automatically knew our interests and backgrounds were definitely worth a conversation (or two) over a cup of coffee. It was in that conversation that I found out not only was she studying countless miles away from home but she was a new mom with a one year-old son back in her home country. I sat there intently listening to her story, only to find out it would be another 18 months before she returned home.

Again, I found myself reflecting, thinking how BOLD and COURAGEOUS I felt when I moved from one state to another not knowing anyone years ago. And after I met Fifi, I thought about how often I complained about my “5 hour drive” back home to visit family. But could I do what she’s doing? Was my vision worth it?

These two women, unrelated, unknowingly, inspired me, challenged me, and provoked my thinking. They caused me to reevaluate (and continue to reevaluate) the costs I’m willing to pay to see the very dreams I have come to pass.

Maybe you’re comfortable with where you are? Or maybe, you’re like me. You know that there is so much more for you to do. But what is it worth to you? Will you stop short in fear of being uncomfortable? Or are the short term sacrifices worthy enough for you fulfill the very thing you were destined to do?

About the Author

img_0018Melissa Nixon is a Featured writer with the John Maxwell team Blog.

She has over 15+ years experience as an HR and Organizational Development leader.

She is the founder of RedRoxx, LLC, a leadership and personal development company for women. She’s speaks around the country and coaches women how accelerate to the next level in their career and business.

As a certified John Maxwell leadership coach, speaker, and trainer, she also coaches leaders how to maximize their individual, team, and business performance.

Contact Melissa at www.johnmaxwellgroup.com/melissanixon