What I Learned from Green Eggs & Ham
Recently I came across an old childhood favourite by Dr. Seuss, Green Eggs & Ham. It took me right back to my early school days where we’d expectantly sit in the reading corner with our legs crossed and arms folded, bursting with anticipation for when the title of the day’s story would be revealed.
I absolutely loved story time at Primary School. It was one of my favourite times of the day because it signified an exploration of my imagination. As my old form teacher Mrs. Speed read the story, I would envision all of the colours, actions and characters and place myself somewhere right in the middle of the scene.
As I remembered these heart warning memories, I couldn’t help breaking the nostalgia and viewing the story through different eyes.
Many of you may remember this story of the most absurd but loveable looking cat named Sam I Am, who practically torments his co character by his insistence that he try eating ‘Green Eggs & Ham’.
The other character is adamant that he does not like the dish but Sam I Am will not take no for an answer and offers many alternatives that may make green eggs and ham a more delightful platter. Sam’s co character stays fixed that he doesn’t like green eggs and ham and has no interest in trying to get to like it.
The story ends when Sam I Am suggests his final combination of the meal and the other character gives in and agrees to try the dish, just to get Sam I Am to stop his pestering.
To everyone’s surprise the co star tries eating Green Eggs and Ham and realises that he actually does likes it. He affirms Sam’s choice and ends with the final statement; “I do so like Green Eggs and Ham, thank you, thank you Sam I Am”.
What I Learned:
1. Never be afraid to try new things
2. When we’re so resolute about what we believe, we adopt a fixed mindset which robs us from experiencing new things that are often valuable and enjoyable.
3. We can be offered so many opportunities in life but we limit ourselves because we stay stuck in our comfort zone.
4. Persistence gets results, Sam I Am never gave up on encouraging his co character to try Green Eggs & Ham and finally persuaded him to try it.
5. Always be thankful to those who have taught you something. Even if you got to the results kicking and screaming.
6. Often times you find growth lessons in simplicity, like I did in this simple story.
I think I had my ‘Green Eggs and Ham Experience’ when I first joined the John Maxwell Team. Being a consultant for quite a while before I joined, I came in with so many mindsets about training and development. I’ve had to relearn and try so many new things.
I remember my first Coaching call with one of the Faculty Members. I struggled with how I was going to incorporate his coaching practices into my already formed training courses. All of my old information fought against the new. But after I embraced the new and took a bite, I started experiencing a much richer, valuable and meaningful relationship with my work and clients. I’m so glad I tried ‘Green Eggs and Ham’.
I hope you can take some time to read the enjoyable tale. It’s quite amusing. New awareness brings new perspective so I’m sure you’ll find some life lessons of your own.
About the Author
Charmaine is a mother of 2 and a devoted wife and family woman. She has been a practitioner of Customer Service Delivery in the travel industry for many years.
Through her business Global Travel Solutions she offers various empowerment programs for Hoteliers, their managers and teams in the areas of Customer Experience, Leadership and Sustainable Development. She has a passion to see these businesses move from good to GREAT!
Contact Charmaine at : http://www.JohnMaxwellGroup.com/CharmaineSealey