The Third Wheel

The third wheel can mean different things to different people; however, for this article, it refers to an ingredient that derails the decision-making process. Some Leaders have yet to recognize it as a problem, and often use it to support decisions as if the third wheel on a tricycle. While other Leaders intentionally invite the third wheel to accompany them in order to avoid commitment to decision-making. Too often, the third wheel is justified as a necessary part of the process. What is the third wheel?

In the 1600s a three-wheeled wheelchair was built by a disabled-German man desiring to maintain his mobility. Years later, two French inventors developed a three wheeled vehicle, powered by pedals, and called it a tricycle. The tricycle has been further developed, and today remains in great demand by both children and adults who require the additional support, or who are uncomfortable riding two wheelers. describes a third wheel as “Where one person hangs out with two people who are on a date at places where couples usually hang out; i.e. movies or restaurants. Third wheelers make it extremely awkward for a couple to show affection towards each other or talk about things pertaining to their relationship. Usually they are invited to hang out because of pity and consideration.” This particular third wheel is invited, yet causes interference.

Although the above descriptions present a form of support (to the Leader or the Wheel), great Leaders see the big picture and are able to manage their leadership polarities with confidence and wisdom. They are equipped to manage the either/or scenarios in order to produce the positive results required for leadership success. So what is the third wheel that is being discussed, and how does it impact leadership polarity during the decision making process?

In Leadership there is a third wheel that has a sneaky way of attaching itself to decisions. It is a choice. The strange thing about this wheel is that it’s disguised as support to the Leader. Over the years it has influenced decisions at the highest levels of leadership. Unlike the tricycle, it cannot stabilize balanced decision making. Unlike the single friend, it is not invited due to pity and consideration. The third wheel that is being discussed in this article is a by-product of fear and is called an EXCUSE.

“Excuses are exists on the highway of life. It’s easier to go from failure to success, than from excuse to success.” John C. Maxwell

An excuse is described as the third wheel in this article because society has deemed it as acceptable behavior, while some Leaders have included it as an acceptable option. In this writer’s opinion, “Excuses are the tool of the uncommitted; the comfort zone of the complacent; and the enemy’s weapon of destruction in a dress.” Excuses do not travel alone and are often fueled by an outside source called, “I understand.”

One key principle of great leadership is found in the Leader’s ability to stand behind their decisions; good and bad. When Leaders begin to seek excuses, not only do they provide a picture of inconsistency and instability for followers, it chips away at the Leader’s ability to influence. Thank God for John C. Maxwell. His unselfish decision to provide a means for Leaders to learn, grow, be equipped and apply understanding as members of the John Maxwell Team (JMT), is one vehicle that eliminates excuses in leadership.

The JMT is saturated with people from all over world, with various backgrounds, and of all ages. The JMT staff is experienced in identifying the third wheel, holding team members accountable to identifying and eliminating their own self-defeating habits. Failure is not an option as John’s books “Failing Forward” and “Sometimes You Win, Sometimes You Learn” are in full manifestation. No more excuses, fulfill your destiny and join a team of like-minded Leaders of Excellence.

About the Author

Blog-PhotoSharon D. Green. Sharon is a Minister, Mother, service disabled, retired U.S. Army Veteran, Entrepreneur, and Author, pursuing her love for making positive impact in the lives of others.

She is a Leadership expert, Founder and Chief Executive Officer of Alethes Consulting Group, LLC, providing leadership coaching, speaking and training to corporate executives, non-profit organizations and individuals.

She is a certified John Maxwell Coach, Teacher, Speaker, a Certified Defense Financial Manager, a Lean Six Sigma Black Belt, Mediator and a Christian radio show host for “The Rose of Sharon Show” on the Survival Radio Christian Network.

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