The Leading Edge: Leadership Qualities of a Super Coach

Randy Wheeler_LeadEdge

By Randy Wheeler, a certified John Maxwell Team coach, speaker, and trainer.

Each of us has been led by someone. As children we did not internalize the words that our parents said as much as the character they exemplified. If you’re a parent you know the reality of that thought. We learn from an early age that position does not make a leader, character does.

If a leader we work with has good leadership qualities we are more willing to collaborate with them. However, when they do not, we run for the exit!

The sports environment is one arena that leadership qualities are most visible. I understand what I see on television is only a limited perspective, but the media has an uncanny ability to capture coaches at their most entertaining moments. From 2002 to 2008 Tony Dungy coached the Indianapolis Colts and eventually led them to a Super Bowl victory in Super Bowl XLI.

As a person that coaches athletes on a regular basis, I had to ask myself what it was that enabled him to enter the elite club of Super Bowl champion coaches? Not only was it his knowledge of the game and the team he was surrounded by, but also his own leadership qualities. When watching Coach Dungy on the sidelines, I rarely saw him lose his composure. Coach Dungy demonstrated three qualities necessary to be successful as a leader:

  1. Drive – In order to succeed at an elite level one has to have the discipline and passion to continually push toward the goal. Coach Dungy used his drive to work in a manner that helped him both have success and maintain a balance between work and family as much as possible. This quality was an example that would free his staff to maintain balance as well.
  2. Humility – In his book Good to Great, leadership expert Jim Collins describes a level 5 leader as someone who has a combination of great drive combined with humility. When the cameras were on and even when they were not, Coach Dungy remained calm and composed. I am not sure what kept him that way other than the humility that knew he did not have to be in control of every situation.
  3. Perseverance – In 2001 even though he had success, Coach Dungy was fired from the Tampa Bay Buccaneers. As a leader he may have felt like quitting, but he didn’t. He continued in the career he loved and the lessons he learned through that experience helped develop the quality of perseverance in him as he led the Colts to win the Super Bowl during a challenging season.

As a leader, how are you developing? Are you most concerned with your results, or are you balancing that with an appropriate perspective that who you are creates the culture and models what you expect? Leadership qualities are caught more than taught. Are you growing into a leader with the qualities that others want to be around and emulate? If not, maybe seeking out someone to help you grow in one of the above traits will help you become a better leader. We can change, the hard part is taking the first step. Take it today!

About Randy:

Throughout his professional career Randy has helped individuals and teams work toward reaching their goals and developing as leaders where they are. He is owner of Wheeler Coaching Systems and has a Masters in Organizational Leadership which he uses in combination with his membership on the John Maxwell Team to help individuals develop their personal and professional leadership skills in a way that will increase their impact among their colleagues, friends, and family. He lives in Fishers, Indiana with his wife and three sons.