The Leading Edge: Grow for Your Journey

LE Allison Liddle

By: Allison Liddle

Imagine your dream life for yourself. It will be a better life than you have ever previously envisioned. When you look at yourself in the mirror, your reflection will be different. You’ll be in shape physically, and you’ll exude confidence.

From the inside, you’ll feel different, too, because you’ll no longer be problem-focused—your thinking will now be solution-focused. Instead of challenges, you’ll see opportunities. Each day, you will be intentional and mindful about how you spend your time and energy, rather than constantly in flux.

In your dream life, you’ll be focused on something you love doing. You may be in the process of building a new business or starting a new career, but, in any case, your life will be filled with new things that you almost never thought could happen…until you will realize that, yes, these amazing things are happening to you.

What’s more, you’ll understand that you deserve these things. You’ll start attracting fantastic opportunities. Many things in your dream life will be different, but above all, you’ll know that you’re on the right path.

Now stop imagining. This life can be yours.

In his book The 15 Invaluable Laws of Growth, John Maxwell says, “It’s possible to change without growing, but it’s impossible to grow without changing.” We must find ways of making positive changes in our lives, the types of changes that allow us to grow. One key aspect of this is understanding the difference between an issue or a challenge, which can be changed, and a fact of life, which cannot be changed.

John Maxwell also tells us that one of the ways to judge whether you’re growing effectively is to discern whether you’re looking forward to the things yet to come, or looking back at what you’ve already done. If you’re not looking forward, it’s time to think about the types of activities and environments you find to be nurturing; this will help you create a more positive environment for your growth.

Part of figuring out what nurtures you is examining the relationships in your life. Jim Rohn, an entrepreneur and author, once said, “You are the average of the five people you spend the most time with.” When you’re taking big risks and creating a new, fabulously awesome life for yourself, you may begin to see who in your life is truly supportive and who is not. Your social circle at work, which probably includes at least a few people you’ve been having after-work drinks with for years, may not understand your new life ambitions, and maybe an unmistakable distance will grow between you. Maybe even members of your family will start to see the changes you are making in your life and misunderstand you. Some people may even do things to try to sabotage your growth. It’s sad and sometimes difficult, but, unfortunately, an unchangeable life fact is that some people will not or cannot support you as you grow.

Finding supportive people on your journey can be tough. When I was in some of my life’s most transformational periods, I needed to break away from or limit my time with many of the people I used to rely on. Not because I was mad or disappointed, but because I needed to surround myself with those who were positive influences and further along on their own journeys than I was.

I encourage you to start thinking about the people you need in your life. Remember, just like you can’t build a house by yourself, neither can you design a life by yourself. After you’ve targeted the areas in your life that need change, try asking yourself: Do I need a life coach? A business mentor? A “thinking” partner to bounce ideas off of? An accountability partner to keep me on track? A really good friend who will simply support me?

Each of us needs different types of support, so spend some time identifying your own needs. And it’s okay to try things out—don’t worry if you don’t have all the support in place right away. When a path is right for you, these people will appear naturally as a part of your exploration process.

It is possible to design a life that you love. This new life is within reach.  Today do one thing to grow yourself, like reflecting on the areas you want to grow yourself, reading a book about growing yourself, or listening to an inspirational talk.  Through growing yourself, the life you always envisioned will emerge, and it will be better than you imagined!


Allison Liddle is a John Maxwell Team certified keynote speaker, executive coach, and leadership trainer who is passionate about helping people thrive both personally and professionally. As an entrepreneur, she started her first business at age twenty-three. She then went on to found a national, award-winning financial planning firm called Prosper Wealth Management that has been featured in Forbes, USA Today, and many other national media outlets. Allison is a lifelong Wisconsin resident; she currently lives in central Wisconsin with her family. Life Under Construction is her first book.