The Leading Edge: Does it Fire You up?

Leading Edge Cornelia Steinberg

By: Cornelia Steinberg

As a young child growing up in the 60s in Germany, I had a dream.

I saw myself living in the USA.

I had no idea where that dream came from. I would go around and tell people that I would be moving to the US when I am older. Of course, my family would tell me things like, “Why would you want to move to America? Germany is beautiful!” I had no answer to this.

In 1984, I had the opportunity to visit the US and arrived in New York City on a very hot and humid summer day. The minute I stepped outside the airport terminal, I knew I was home. This trip also took me to San Diego, where I truly felt would be the place where I wanted to live.

Fast forward to 1991. An opportunity came up to move to the States, New Hampshire to be exact. Not the place of my dreams.

When my parents learned that I would be moving to the US, of course, they were not happy, and they told me things that would possibly persuade me to stay. But I KNEW this was MY DREAM!

My journey took me eventually to San Diego. I took a job in the automotive industry that served me well for 16 years. Then, in 2016, my life came to a screeching halt. I was diagnosed with colon cancer. A year prior, I had joined the John Maxwell Team because I had realized that there was another dream sleeping inside me. I had achieved my dream of living in San Diego, but there was more. Through some inner, spiritual work, I had gotten clarity about wanting to become a speaker and a trainer, and the John Maxwell Team provided the perfect environment for my growth.

But what was I to do with this diagnosis? How could I now pursue and build my dream of becoming a speaker, coach, and trainer when I had to go through chemotherapy?

In John Maxwell’s book Put Your Dreams to the Test, the first question is the Ownership Question: Is my dream really my dream?

John includes a list of seven statements about when you OWN your dream, i.e. “it will fire you up, it will keep you up at night, you will feel you were made for it,” and each one of the statements was a “loud” YES for me.

There were days when it was hard to go on, when I had no energy, my brain was fogged from chemo, yet my heart and spirit pushed me forward. In fact, when I had no energy to study or prepare for a Mastermind, I visualized being healed and also saw myself as a speaker that would inspire others with my journey and story. I went into remission five months after the first chemo treatment, but cancer has come back twice. I’m undergoing more treatment right now.

Talk about the power of a dream.

I know that because I OWN this dream, I feel an incredible power to keep going. It would be very easy for me to say, “Oh, it just isn’t the right time for this dream.” But when is there ever a “right time” for anything? Is the “right time” a time when we get what we want? Who defines what is the “right time”?

I think the “right time” could also involve a temporary defeat in order to learn another piece of the dream or maybe meet a person one wouldn’t have otherwise met. It is too easy to just use the excuse of, “Oh, maybe it is not the right time,” or “Maybe it is not meant to be,” and just give up.

Being a speaker makes my heart sing and gives me joy, and I feel I was made for this. I had the great fortune to share the stage with John Maxwell last year at the International Maxwell Certification event in Orlando. I was invited to share part of my story in front of an audience of 2500 people. When attendees came to me afterward and told me how much I had inspired them, I felt so much love and gratitude, and I knew that, yes, God created me for this.

I know I am still building on this dream, and I am taking it day by day, but here is what I know: Owning your dream is the start of great achievements. It will carry you through the valleys that are part of the journey. Believe that you will achieve your dream!


Cornelia Steinberg was born and raised in Germany. In her 20s, she took a leap of faith and pursued her lifelong dream of moving to the United States. She first landed in New Hampshire and settled down in San Diego in 1998. Here she found a career in the automotive industry, where she has had the opportunity to work in finance, administration and management.

After decades of traveling, becoming a mother, and starting new business ventures, Cornelia was faced with her biggest life challenge thus far. In March 2016, she was diagnosed with cancer.

Her life came to a screeching halt, but she knew that she had to keep a positive attitude. She had dreams of building her coaching and training business, and she had a 10-year-old daughter that she dearly wanted to continue to see grow and thrive. Giving up or feeling sorry for herself was not an option. Today, she is still undergoing treatments and following her dream of helping people live out their greatest potential.

As a John C. Maxwell Certified Speaker, Trainer and Coach, Cornelia focuses on helping people to achieve their goals and purpose.