The Law of Multiplication

Earlier this year I suffered what I’ve come to call my “mid-life crisis”.

Instead of the “traditional” ways to act in such a state, I began to evaluate my life and determine whether I was living out my “purpose”—was I fully living as God intends me to live, and I decided to merge my love of “teaching” with my passion for developing leadership, and miraculously came to the John Maxwell Team.

I fully believe in divine appointments, and this has surely been one! I came to the Team believing that I would learn about leadership and coaching and speaking skills, and then go forth to do good things with that knowledge and training. I’ve gained so much more than what I expected—I have found a truly caring, powerful, group of visionaries who have expanded my vision and my world—in one particular way, literally!

Dorota Cebartowska and I were table-mates at the Live Training event, but more importantly, we were INSTANT friends—sisters, actually! She and I have many things in common, although we come from different parts of the world—I, from Florida, and she, from Poland! Throughout our time together in Florida we shared stories of parenting teenagers (we face the same issue in every country!), talked about things we had in common and built a lasting friendship. Dorota inspires me to be the best version of myself, simply because she BELIEVES I CAN BE that woman! I am truly blessed to call her friend and would do anything for her.

When she asked me if I wouldn’t mind sending her a few copies of John Maxwell’s newest book, “Sometimes you Win, Sometimes you Learn,” it truly was a no-brainer—OF COURSE I would send her the books! I had no idea what it would cost, but I didn’t care—that’s just what you do for your friends in my world! When Dorota asked me how she could send the money back to me, I thought for a minute about how that international monetary transaction could take place, and then that still, small voice that always guides me to my best actions suggested that instead of navigating the world of international finance I should just ask her to “pay it forward” and bless someone there in Poland—again, it seemed like a no-brainer!

I was so thrilled when Dorota told me that she would match my money with her own and we would create a “double blessing” for someone! One of my favorite quotes is “when you share your burdens you divide them and when you share your blessings, you multiply them!” Dorota connected my family here in Florida with the family of a young man in Poland—together she and I were able to provide a guitar to a young musician who might not otherwise have been able to afford a guitar—multiplied blessings!

I would call this one of the “indispensable laws of life”—when you have received blessings, you can multiply those blessings by sharing them. I feel as though I have in a small way invested in the future of Poland—in this case in the life of one young man who will hopefully share his gifts with the world. Truly the “law of multiplication” in action.

About the author

picHelping others discover and develop their leadership skills is Karen’s passion!

She retired in 2008 from Active Duty with the US Air Force after a 21 year career as an administrative officer and lawyer.

Karen joined the John Maxwell Team in May 2013.

Contact Karen at :