Robert Lysholm – San Angelo, Texas
Robert Lysholm serves as a Technical Sergeant(TSgt) in the United States Air Force(USAF). He is at the helm of the Goodfellow Air Force Base Honor Guard. He is directly accountable for over 32 personnel and $40K of equipment. His core duties include providing final military honors in an over 300 sq mile cover zone, all color guard events that represent the USAF to the American people. Since assuming his position last September he has augmented manning on funerals 150%, and attended a 2 week long training course to expand his knowledge on his job and was recognized as the Second Air Force Honor Guard Program Manager of the Year. He is also an instructor for the John Maxwell courses here on base as well as a firefighter instructor. He is a very involved leader, he takes his time to know all of his subordinate troops spending many hours both inside and outside of his duty hours. He is keen with taking feedback from the leaders appointed under him and has implemented many possess improvements creating a enhanced image to the American Public. TSgt Lysholm is a vital leader to this nation’s military ensuring all service members receive the proper honors before being interned to the ground.