Living the Dream – Patrick Welsh

“Part of the Team… and Living the Dream” series…

Congratulations, to retired police officer, Pat Welsh. With the John Maxwell Team brand and the confidence that comes with the brand, within one week after coming to the live training event, Pat is securing new deals and adding value to people.

“I was introduced to the business ethics professor at our local university. She asked what I did. Naturally, I said, ‘I am a speaker, trainer and coach with the John Maxwell Team. I recently retired as a law enforcement officer/lawyer and I am now specializing in leadership and ethics.’ She then asked if I had a business card and said I would hear from her early next week to set up an appointment. Prior to attending the live training event, I never had the confidence to speak this way. One of the most important lessons I have learned is by changing my thinking, I have changed my results! Thanks John and all the faculty of the John Maxwell Team!” ~ Patrick Welsh, Colorado, USA

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