Do You Like Your Story?

Do You Like Your Story?

“Personal growth is not an option if you want to continue to live a full life.”

– Renetta Moore, certified John Maxwell Team Coach, Speaker & Teacher

Have you ever been happy with your career, but still feel like you’re not doing what you were called to do? It’s often hard to differentiate between doing something significant, and living your passion and purpose. Sure, you may be doing something important for humanity in the grand scheme of things, but maybe it’s not exactly what you would say is your deepest passion or purpose. As John Maxwell says, “Intentional living is about living your best story.” Not living a good story, but your best story. In the end of that story, what will the reviewers say? Are you building a story, a legacy, you’ll be proud to leave behind?

John Maxwell Team member Renetta Moore had to answer these questions for herself when she decided to take on the 30-day Journey to Intentional Living. Renetta explained, “I knew I had, for many years, felt like I had a life of significance, but I wasn’t living in my purpose, I wasn’t making an impact on those around me. I decided right then and there that would change! I joined the team to get back my purpose and significance in life.”

After joining the team in March 2016, Renetta’s life has gone in a completely different direction than before. “I was dying the corporate death,” she said. “I set some goals, realized my purpose, and now, a year later, I have quit my corporate job, and started my own Lifestyle and Career Coaching and Training business! This way, I get to continually look for ways to add value to others.”

Renetta’s success and self-realization has not only impacted her work life, but her personal life as well. After seeing the change in his wife’s life, J Moore was inspired to join the team as well. “The John Maxwell Team has given Renetta the ability to pursue her purpose and passion,” he said. “She truly enjoys her job now; and that makes me happy.” Both Renetta and J’s growth have impacted their relationships with their children too. “We’ve been able to have good conversations,” Renetta told us. “J and I have asked our daughter lots of questions to help her find answers. We have learned to not react as much as we would have, instead, we have learned to better respond. We are better listeners.”

While Renetta still has a long journey ahead of her, she is not afraid of throwing herself into being the best she can be. She enthused, “Personal growth is not an option if you want to continue to live a full life. If you are content to not take any chances, not make an impact in others’ lives, and not learn anything new, then by all means, get a Lazy Boy and plop down in front of the TV. If you want to always learn something new, and always be used by the Lord to bring value to others, then grow and impact others on your journey!”

Are you making a meaningful and positive impact on those around you? Are you living your best story? If your answer is no, do some deep digging and figure out how to get into your purpose and your passion. The John Maxwell Team has helped tens of thousands of people just like you align with their purpose and tell their best story and we’d love to help you too! Complete the form on this page to learn more.

About Renetta and J:
J and Renetta Moore have been a strong team since 1989, living life full speed ahead into the adventure awaiting them! J is a chemical engineer by trade, using his talents to make improvements to the teams he supports. He has been part of JMT for almost a year and uses the principles to make an impact on the company and teams he works with. Renetta spent 20 years leading a team of volunteers as a Student minister. Through relationships with over 200 students, she was able to guide them through some of life’s challenges, developing their character, problem solving, critical thinking and integrity. She has been part of JMT for over a year and began her lifestyle and career coaching business 6 months ago. Using real-life stories and personal experiences, she facilitates, speaks and coaches individuals and groups to encourage leadership, character development and personal growth so your full potential can be reached. J and Renetta have two children, a daughter-in-love, and a spoiled rotten Rottweiler. They enjoy being with family, water skiing, riding J’s big Harley and traveling.

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