Destined for More!

‘A time comes when you need to stop waiting for the man you want to become and start being the man you want to be’ Bruce Springsteen’

Life can be challenging as well as easy, often determined by our seasons of life. However, what I have observed in my life and in the lives of others is that it is all too easy to just plateau.

With gain often comes pain. The pain of change, may be stepping up into something new before seeing any gain. So why go for pain, when you can safely stay in your comfort zone? After all comfort zones provide routine, security and comfort.

When we consider the human body for instance, it is a natural process for it to grow. As a parent I remember my children going through ‘growing pains’ as they grew. It would be unnatural not to grow.

Therefore, it is no surprise that there is a seed in all of us, a seed that needs and wants to grow in order that we become all we were designed for. I call it ‘The seed of growth.’

In your life, in what type of soil can this seed be found? Is it one of disbelief, regret, self-limiting beliefs or confusion? Maybe it is found in the bedrock of anticipation, clarity, determination and excitement of what the future could hold.

In the words of William Carey – ‘Expect great things from God, attempt great things for God.’

As a Christian, I hold the belief and value that God created us. We are his workmanship, created for great works. We are ‘Destined for More’ than just the average life. We are designed to dream and to take hold of all those things for which we have been chosen.

With this in mind, it is so important to consider the following. Are we:
• Surrounding ourselves with truth?
• Engaging with likeminded people?
• Actively rejecting self-limiting beliefs?

Growing into all that we were purposed for will not come about just by dreaming about it – it will require action. We must be constantly challenging our comfort zones.

The following 3 questions are keys in helping you to take hold of the truth that you are ‘Destined for More:’
1. Are your surroundings encouraging growth in you?
2. What areas are holding you back?
3. What can you do today to actively ‘water’ the soil where your seed is buried?

A seed can die or it can grow. I am no gardener; (as my wife would agree) however, I do know this – for every seed to grow, it needs to be watered. We are personally responsible to ‘water’ our seed for it to grow and flourish.

Since I joined the John Maxwell Team, I have allowed my life to be challenged, thereby taking active steps toward growth. I was particularly challenged by one of the chapters in John Maxwell’s book The 15 Invaluable Laws of Growth. The chapter was ‘The law of Intentionality.’ This helped me to gain clarity and be intentional for the things that really matter rather than trying to do everything without a very clear focus.

I can say, with honesty, that I am now very intentional – I am allowing that seed of growth to be watered and to flourish in my life.

My friend, the future has much for you. Those around you need you. You are at your best when you allow this seed to grow and flourish within you as well. Your growth will positively impact others.

I encourage you to press through pain and unbelief and step into all that you were created for. Take steps now to water that seed, because you are ‘Destined for More.’

About the Author

TLNEWPIC-3Tony Lynch is a featured writer for the John Maxwell Team Blog.

Tony also excels at delivering vision and strategy to his clients for success.

With an abundance of experience, Tony creates ‘winning mind-sets’ for individuals and companies wanting to achieve greatness.

His ability to bring clarity, can help transform lives to think big in overcoming self-limiting beliefs.

Contact Tony at

1 Comment

  1. Gloria Burgess on November 23, 2013 at 4:06 am

    Great post, Tony. Thanks!