A Gift of Love

After an agonizing divorce, Darlene moved into a small trailer home with her two young sons. Christmas was fast approaching. As she stared at the floor of her tiny living room, she thought, “We have no extra money. This will definitely be a year without presents for my boys.” She could give them her love.…

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A Different Breeze

The morning sun peeked out from behind the hills, using the clouds to display an inspiring array of colors graduating from Shades of crimson to indigo, magenta with streaks of gold reaching into a cobalt sky. Leaves of the live oaks sang a soft song of peace and hope for the day as they slow…

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Why the Biggest Winners are Often the Best Quitters

Check out super successful people sometime. When you do, you’ll notice a common trait. THE BIGGEST WINNERS ARE OFTEN THE BEST QUITTERS. Successful people are seldom “well rounded.” In fact, that’s what makes them successful. Rather then doing many things halfway, they do one thing well. Nothing shocking yet—until you realize this singular focus was…

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Wisdom or Knowledge?

If you had to choose between wisdom and knowledge which one would you choose? Following a period of intense training, I recently became a certified trainer, coach and speaker for John Maxwell. During that training, I learned that I had to ‘step up my game’ in reading. I do read. However, until last year I…

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Hard Leadership Lessons

While I led high tech marketing teams in banks for many years, some of my toughest leadership experiences came at the preschool my wife and I owned. We had created a Christian preschool that benefitted to our community, but we did not anticipate the tremendous leadership challenges coming our way. One extraordinary challenge came in…

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Diary of a Gremlin Slaying Black Woman

Recently, I had a very eye opening experience that highlighted how the limiting beliefs we hold on to can paralyse us if we don’t identify, expose and eliminate them from our thinking. Let me share it with you. So, I’m on my way back home after a tremendous 13 day trip of making a difference…

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Have You Experienced the Power of a Mastermind?

As a facilitator of mastermind groups, I get the chance to see how life changing a mastermind can be. A group of like-minded people coming together to advance in their own personal journey, but able to use the knowledge and thinking of the group, is very powerful. In this article I am going to relate…

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Leading From the Inside Out

I grew up in a town where it is almost expected that those in leadership have their own agenda and have their hand in the proverbial cookie jar. It seemed that the only reason to be a leader was for the “perks” and the ability and positioning to take advantage of those who were not…

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School’s In! Are YOU?

Every Fall for the last 29 years, I’ve started a brand new school year, entering a school campus as either a Teacher, a Principal or a Superintendent. I can hardly believe that it’s been 29 years! But this year is very different. Let me tell you why. Over the years, I’ve earned two graduate degrees,…

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Do They SEE What I SAY?

As a retired Army officer and now certified John Maxwell coach, speaker and trainer, I am often blessed to provide leadership advice. Recently, I was asked to provide a response to what are “The roles of communication strategy in bridging communication gaps and ensuring smooth communication within an organization?” While answering this request it hit…

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