The Bias Toward Bullying

It’s a near universal conversation today that bullying must stop. But, there’s a societal bias toward bullying we must guard against. Let me explain. Likely, by the time you read this, the holidays will have just passed, the pageants and church services, the music and parties, the frenzy of present buying and giving, and, of…

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Inspire Your Team Your Way

What does a real leader look like and sound like? Is there a best leadership personality or style? Can you duplicate that? Dynamic, “bigger-than-life” leaders like Richard Branson, Oprah Winfrey or Donald Trump definitely earn style points, but it’s more than their style that makes them effective leaders. In fact, Jim Collins, in his ground-breaking…

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3 Leadership Skills I Learned From The Thief Who Stole My iPhone

YEP. It happened to me. The other day I was hanging out with my kids at a science museum. We had a blast watching a train movie—Rocky Mountain Express. The theater was dark and my daughter was a little squirrely. My iPhone must have fallen out on the floor. When the movie was over we…

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What does it take to REALLY lead? Part 2 – E for Example

 Welcome to my mini-series – What does it take to really lead? You may recall I made an acrostic from the word lead. The first: L is for Learning. Today is my second – E is for EXAMPLE In Today Matters, John Maxwell highlights the importance of making decisions early and then managing them on…

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People Quit People, Not Companies

In his book “Leadership Gold”, John Maxwell says people quit people, not companies. Employees often leave companies not because they dislike the company or their job, but rather because they want to escape a particular person, usually their boss. Unfortunately I found this statement true at my last job, where my manager’s actions and attitudes…

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Speaking : Rules to Go from Good to Great

In most sports, the difference between making it to the finish line and making it into the record books is less than a second. In fact, more often than not, it’s milliseconds. The small difference between good and great is also true in many other areas of life and work. It’s certainly true for speakers.…

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Clear Perspective

Sherlock Holmes and Dr. John Watson went on a camping trip. After sharing a good meal and a bottle of Petrie wine, they retire to their tent for the night. At about 3 AM, Holmes nudges Watson and asks, “Watson, look up into the sky and tell me what you see?” Watson said, “I see…

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Testimonials That Can Add Value

I am a” faculty groupie” of the John C. Maxwell Certification Program and John Maxwell Team. Ed, Scotty, Christian, Melissa, Roddy and Paul have their own very specific lane of expertise, yet the community they all help create is warm and inclusive. The faculty have added value to me as well as other JMTers, in…

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The Law of Influence Should Be Required Learning

The second law of John C. Maxwell’s book, The 21 Irrefutable Laws of Leadership should be required learning for everyone in high school. It is the Law of Influence which says, “The true measure of leadership is influence – nothing more, nothing less.” If you do not learn this law early, you will learn it…

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