The One Thing that Will Change Your Life

A few years ago I stopped setting New Year’s resolutions. What was the point? Myself and others hardly kept them. Depending on the resolution, we may have lasted until the end of January. Or if we were realllyyyy good, we may have even lasted until March or April. Then typically life would happen, routines would…

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How to Shape Shift Time

What if you could “shape shift” time to meet your needs? I learned how to do it, let me explain: A decade ago, with shortness of breath, a heavy chest and irregular heartbeat, an emergency room doctor told me I was in good health but far too stressed out. She suggested I drop 20 pounds,…

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Develop a Passion for Excellence

Dave was disengaged, unaccountable and resistant to change. He was one of eleven direct reports in my very first management job. My company didn’t have a formal training program at the time and I was both untrained and uncertain where to start as a new leader. I was too inexperienced to know what a big…

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Legacy: Give the Gift that Keeps Giving

One of the greatest gifts we can give to others is to be intentional about the life we live. Because the life we live is the legacy we leave. And, whether we are conscious of it or not, our legacy is always in process. More than how we choose to be remembered at the end…

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Finding Your Rhythm

A maestro is one who has earned the distinction of greatness in their discipline. The designation is usually employed to describe a great conductor in the world of symphony. A few years ago, Mark Wigglesworth, an accomplished conductor, wrote an article detailing a compilation of traits and abilities musicians look for in a great conductor.…

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All that Glitters is Not Gold

Why Buying An Olympic Gold Medal on eBay For $19,000 Won’t Help You Achieve Your Dreams in 2014! For $18,995 and one click it could be yours on ebay—that is, if your dream is to have an Olympic gold medal in swimming. Whether or not the dream does anything for you after you click the…

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The Breakthrough Power of True Leadership

Recently I saw the movie “42”, the story of Jackie Robinson. It is a wonderful leadership movie and a perfect example of John Maxwell’s mantra that “leadership is influence, nothing more, nothing less”. Until 1947 only whites were allowed to play major league baseball in America. Jackie Robinson changed that forever when he became the…

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Don’t Waste Your Experience

As a relationship coach, I frequently hear the question: “Why is this happening to ME?” Many times a person wonders why their spouse left, why their child has an illness, or why they were violated in childhood. They often feel like they did something wrong, or even still, could have prevented it. It is not…

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Why not you? Why not now?

Have you ever looked at someone and said to yourself, “I can do that?” Sure you have. And you’ve probably said about it about the very thing that you have been longing to do! And get this, you’ve said it or thought it not just once or twice, but several times over and over again.…

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