What does it take to REALLY Lead? Part 3- A is for Availability
A – Is for Availability. Welcome to my mini-series – What does it take to really lead? You may recall I made an acrostic from the word lead: L is for Learning E is for Example And today: A is for Availability “My success, part of it certainly, is that I have focused in on…
Read MoreThe Breakthrough Power of True Leadership
Recently I saw the movie “42”, the story of Jackie Robinson. It is a wonderful leadership movie and a perfect example of John Maxwell’s mantra that “leadership is influence, nothing more, nothing less”. Until 1947 only whites were allowed to play major league baseball in America. Jackie Robinson changed that forever when he became the…
Read MoreDon’t Waste Your Experience
As a relationship coach, I frequently hear the question: “Why is this happening to ME?” Many times a person wonders why their spouse left, why their child has an illness, or why they were violated in childhood. They often feel like they did something wrong, or even still, could have prevented it. It is not…
Read MoreWhy not you? Why not now?
Have you ever looked at someone and said to yourself, “I can do that?” Sure you have. And you’ve probably said about it about the very thing that you have been longing to do! And get this, you’ve said it or thought it not just once or twice, but several times over and over again.…
Read MoreThe Bias Toward Bullying
It’s a near universal conversation today that bullying must stop. But, there’s a societal bias toward bullying we must guard against. Let me explain. Likely, by the time you read this, the holidays will have just passed, the pageants and church services, the music and parties, the frenzy of present buying and giving, and, of…
Read MoreInspire Your Team Your Way
What does a real leader look like and sound like? Is there a best leadership personality or style? Can you duplicate that? Dynamic, “bigger-than-life” leaders like Richard Branson, Oprah Winfrey or Donald Trump definitely earn style points, but it’s more than their style that makes them effective leaders. In fact, Jim Collins, in his ground-breaking…
Read More3-Day Live Certification Training Event and 1st Annual John C. Maxwell Leadership Awards
With John C. Maxwelland special guest Nick Vujicic February 20 to February 22, 2014 Orlando, Florida
Read More3 Leadership Skills I Learned From The Thief Who Stole My iPhone
YEP. It happened to me. The other day I was hanging out with my kids at a science museum. We had a blast watching a train movie—Rocky Mountain Express. The theater was dark and my daughter was a little squirrely. My iPhone must have fallen out on the floor. When the movie was over we…
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