JMT Blog

It’s a Hard Life but Someone’s Gotta Live It!

Today I’d like to paint a picture for you of ‘The Perfect Life’. A life where there’s no pain, rejection, conflict, disappointment, failure, misunderstanding, self-judgement… Sounds unbelievable? Yes, because both you and I know that a life void of what I’ve described above is absolutely impossible here on earth. Well, actually it might be possible,…

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Frogs, Superheroes and Magic Bullets

In thinking about beginning a brand new year and all the opportunities that will present themselves to me, I’m reminded once again that January tends to bring out the hopefulness in people. Hopefulness that maybe this year will be better than last year; hopefulness that their life will be more fulfilling, happier and peaceful. There…

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So Much More To Learn

One of the most important gifts that a retired U.S. Army officer takes away from serving her country, is the gift of PPG: Perpetual Personal Growth. I have found that the true commitment to learning is a by-product of the quality training that we receive over the years in order to successfully fulfill the needs…

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Leadership Lessons I learned from Mandela

I have traveled and lived all over the world. Whenever people ask me the question “where are you from?” I stop and think about it for a minute before I give my answer. My parents were missionaries so I was born in Zimbabwe, I hold a US passport, I grew up in South Africa, I…

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Sacrifice vs. Success … To Pay the Price Or Not!

It is usually said that success comes at a price… yes, no? It may not always be in monetary terms, it could come inform of relationships, overcoming fear and rejection, leaving your comfort zone, working hard etc. Whatever the case may be, you will find there is always an opportunity cost to one’s desired dreams…

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El secreto para vencer el miedo

¿Qué le detiene de lograr lo que quiere? He planteado esta pregunta a los participantes de mis cursos en varias ocasiones. La respuesta es casi siempre la misma: Miedo. • Miedo a fallar • Miedo a no saber qué hacer • Miedo a hacer el ridículo • Miedo a perder el dinero • Miedo a…

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Socks as a Leadership Tool!

One of the great aspects of the John Maxwell Team (JMT) culture is that we like to have fun and don’t take ourselves too seriously. At the Live Training events you will see many male team members and JMT staff wearing very colorful and funny socks. Everyone has a lot of fun with this. Up…

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An Inconvenience Rightly Considered

In my youth, I loved to ‘run rivers’. Whitewater canoeing was a passion. One of my favorite memories is a trip down the Eagle Fork in the Ouachita Mountains. It was raining and the small tributary was fast and mean. We fell down a waterfall, crashed into stumps, narrowly missed barbed wire and stayed soaked…

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Do you Believe in miracles?

They called it a miracle. But was it really? On January 15, 2009, the sun rose like any other day, and 155 people awoke, packed their bags, said their good-byes, and headed to the airport expecting nothing unusual. Minutes later the plane raced down the runway and became airborne. Only ninety seconds into the flight,…

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