JMT Blog

If You Can’t Make It Better, Don’t Make It Worse

My daughter, Kay, had gained a tremendous amount of weight during middle and high school. Her self-esteem plummeted in ratio with every pound she gained. Each ice cream cone she ate attempted to douse the fire of self-hatred brewing inside. Failing all her high school classes, she found what seemed to be a miracle high…

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The Power of Modeling the Way

You don’t teach what you don’t do. It’s a difficult truth all leaders either wrestle with or pretend to ignore. For me it’s getting to the office on time. I’m not 15 minutes late, just 5 to 10 minutes. Not a big deal right? (Some of you are frowning right now, I can feel it.)…

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You Are Not a Yellow Banana!

Yesterday was a very sad day for me, as my lifetime mentor and friend left us for her eternal rest with the Lord. While she was not a public figure, Gloria Guzzardo touched hundreds of people’s lives with her testimony and service to others. I was privileged to be a personal friend for over twenty…

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Difference Made – A True Story

The Story Max took a $50,000 pay cut to become a civil servant because he wanted to truly make a difference on a national scale. Within a few months he had captured the attention of senior executives which translated into Max being selected to lead the program. So, with three days’ notice, he went from…

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Culture Trumps Everything

I have heard John Maxwell make that statement many times and I never get tired of hearing him teach on the subject of culture. This past February, at our semi-annual event, was no different. I think it’s one of John’s favorite topics to teach on because it is so important. In simple terms, culture is…

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3 Success Habits

The Habit of Continually Learning: Why is that when most people finish their formal education they tend to think, “well that’s it, I am done, no more school or classes for me”, I know that’s how I was. The unfortunate truth is that the way in which many formal education systems are structured is so…

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In A Hurry? Go It Alone!

I had the privilege of going to Guatemala with John C. Maxwell and 139 coaches, trainers and speakers, in June 2013. We trained 20,000 people representing a cross-section of 7 different streams of influence; government, education, business, media, arts, entertainment, and family. For two and half days of the weeklong event, the coaches were trained…

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6 Ways to Boost Your Effectiveness

There are days when I feel overwhelmed with my to-do-list. Many business owners and professionals have shared similar experiences with me. All of us would like to be more effective each day with our available time. Thomas Jefferson said, “Determine never to be idle. No person will have occasion to complain of the want of…

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Welcome to the Dark Side

Being a leader can be extremely challenging at times. I’ve heard stories of and have witnessed several occasions where leaders were disrespected, pushed around, beat down, and even ‘kicked to the curb’ by the very people they were attempting to lead. I know of one leader who arrived at work one morning to discover that…

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