JMT Blog

Where Will Your Dreams Take You?

“No matter what comes your way, never give up, never quit!” -Maria Ximena Martinez, Certified John Maxwell Team coach, speaker & trainer How much time do you spend casting your vision? It may seem like an irrelevant activity and in the business world, time is money. But can you really afford to stay stagnant when…

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Do Leadership Qualities Make Good Leaders?

There have been many strong leaders throughout history: Abraham Lincoln, Winston Churchill, Martin Luther King, Mother Teresa, Ronald Reagan, Fidel Castro, Adolf Hitler, Joseph Stalin, Saddam Hussein, and Osama bin Laden just to name a few. They were all leaders who had vision and were driven and passionate about their cause. They knew how to…

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The Leading Edge: Develop Yourself Like A Naval Aviator

“I quickly realized that I had so much more to learn in order to become a great leader.” – Russell Stalters, certified John Maxwell Team Coach, Speaker & Teacher When I started my career as a Naval Aviator after graduating from college, my training and development continued for many years. First, there was flight training…

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Executive Coaching is For Leaders Who Are Ready To Embrace The Process

Travis Kalanick, the CEO of Uber, stated recently, “I need to fundamentally change and grow up. I seriously need leadership help.” This has come after videos and images of his most recent outburst with one of his Uber drivers. These incidents have been very public and are not the way a CEO wants to lead…

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Unlocking the Public Speaking Mystery

Are you always raising your hand to answer questions or to contribute in group settings? Were you the one to read aloud in class and to pipe up to lead projects? Do you seek chances to speak and share your story? If so, you’ve got all the classic signs of a person who was born…

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The Leading Edge:
The Secret Ingredient to Relational Success

“Forgiveness unlocks a whole new world of possibilities.” – John Griffin, President of the John Maxwell Team President’s Advisory Council Growing up, I loved when people would visit our home. When visitors were present, there was always laughter… always peace. Those were the times when I could be sure there were no hurtful words or…

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How To Develop Your Leadership Skills

Leadership is often a misunderstood word and can mean many things to many people. Some say a title makes you a leader, while others point to innate qualities or charismatic personalities. When trying to define leadership, we look to the world’s leading expert on the subject, John Maxwell. John has been ranked the #1 Leadership…

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What Makes Great Motivational Speakers?

Have you ever been so enchanted by a speaker that when they’re done you’re motivated to act in a new or better way? Maybe at a high school assembly you heard a tearful mother tell the story of losing her son in a drunk driving accident. Or perhaps at a conference you saw an impassioned…

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The Leading Edge:
Business, Work, & Relationships – What does love have to do with it?

“Here are four simple steps to learn to love difficult people.” – Marie Cosgrove, certified John Maxwell Team Coach, Speaker & Teacher What is love? Is it an emotional or intellectual response? Many of us think of romantic love when we hear the word love. However, the “love” most often overlooked is an outgoing concern…

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