The Leading Edge: Step It Up! Follow These Steps and People Will Follow You
What distinguishes good speakers from great speakers? Leadership. As my friend and mentor John Maxwell reminds us, “Everything rises and falls on leadership.” This includes speaking. Why? Because speakers are leaders, too. To make the shift from being a good speaker to becoming a great speaker, or from being a great speaker to becoming even…
Read MoreThe Leading Edge: Marry the Message With the Moment
I stood before a crowd of nearly four thousand people who were anxious to hear me speak. I had just a short time to capture their attention, build rapport, take them on a journey, and leave them wanting more. I had experience singing to thousands. For me, that came easy because when you are a…
Read MoreThe Leading Edge: The Fear of Public Speaking
Written by Michael Gueltig, Jr., certified John Maxwell Team coach, speaker and trainer. We’ve all heard that the fear of public speaking is one that ranks right up there with the fear of dying. Why is that? One reason is because we put so much pressure on trying to please everyone in the room. Of…
Read MoreThe Leading Edge: Where Is The Connection?
There were 900 students in the auditorium. I was killing it. Three and a half minutes into my five-minute speech, I had them right where I wanted. Feeling confident about wrapping up the election for class President, I looked up at the audience to take it all in. And then “it happened.” As I…
Read MoreThe Leading Edge: Beyond the Sky
Sometimes I stand in awe of how I’ve moved from where I once was to where I am today. I am not astounded by physical, geographical, or career changes in my life, but by the changes in my heart and the person that I have become. Knowing what I know of my own journey,…
Read MoreThe Leading Edge: The Capacity to Lead Beyond the Military
One morning you wake up and you are a member of the U.S. Armed Forces. You have your entire life ahead of you and yet, you just stepped into the world where limits overlap no limits. That was my world for over 23 years and I loved it. I loved the travel, the diversity of…
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