JMT Blog

The Leading Edge: One Adventure, Three People, Three Actions and Three Leadership Lessons

By: Meenakshi Sundaram Hariharan Life can take us to a dizzying height and push us to the edge of the cliff with no other option but to take that plunge. Those are the times we ask ourselves the pertinent question: “What have I done to myself? Am I stupid?” It all started with the planning…

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The Leading Edge: Leading Teams is about WE, not ME

By: Amy Modglin As a young leader in my 20’s who was thrust into a leadership position, I failed miserably. I focused on my title and led with my ideas. It was my agenda only, and I neglected my team. The decisions were mine, and nothing else mattered to me. I thought mostly about myself and…

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The Leading Edge: 10 Tips in Leading a Peak-Performing Team

By: Floyd S. Spence When a team is functioning well together, it gets things done. Whether it’s in sports or business, a peak-performing team generally consists of a leader who is efficient in growing others and team members who are highly motivated and self-driven. Here are 10 Tips in Leading A Peak-performing Team, that will…

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The Leading Edge:
A Different Kind of Dream Team

By: Amy Barg Ask people to name their favorite team and the majority of folks default to …. sports. It’s a slam-dunk response. And many can rattle off the statistics and stars of their dream team with rapid-fire precision. Back in the glory days of Michael Jordan even I could hold my own in conversations…

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The Leading Edge: Misguided in the Magnolia

By: Edwin Adams My childhood home was a natural playground. The trees and shrubbery around our house created the ideal backdrop for adventure and discovery. Yet, there was one tree that always captivated me…the great Magnolia tree in our front yard. It was one of the tallest trees on the property and was enveloped by…

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The Leading Edge:
Developing an All-Star Team

By: Randy Wheeler “Individuals play the game, but teams win championships.”  John C. Maxwell 1992 and Barcelona.  What is so significant about this year and place?  This was the year the United States first sent their best basketball players to the Olympics.  They sent NBA athletes such as Michael Jordan, Magic Johnson, and Larry Bird for…

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The Leading Edge: Team Leadership “Distance Made a Team Grow Stronger”

By: Karen Monnier When my husband, Mike, expressed the need to relocate to aid in the care of my father, his boss was less than enthusiastic. It would mean being 300 miles from his team most of the time. The company was in the middle of a leadership change, and uncertainty about the future increased…

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The Leading Edge: In Service of the Team

By: Amy Smith Montoya Many people want to be THE leader. Prestige, privilege, and popularity, all perceived benefits of some leadership positions, attract rising stars who focus on “what’s in it for me.” What are the rewards of MY hard work? The brass ring! Yet, in my experience, successful leadership of teams requires a shift…

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The Leading Edge:
From Comfort Zone to Leadership Zone

By: Amy J. Malay Most people have heard of the “comfort zone.” In fact, whether we’ve heard of it or not, most of us probably live in a comfort zone of one kind or another all the time. Maybe it’s the comfort zone of our physical surroundings, or the comfort zone in our conversations, or the…

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