The Leading Edge: The Key for Connecting – Kindness Over Courtesy
By: Noel Martinez Are you sure people understand your message the way you intend it? Using the “right words” in the right context, in my experience, is not enough. Being polite and courteous, for example, is necessary but not sufficient to establish a sound communication. In other words, paraphrasing my friend John C. Maxwell, we…
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The Leading Edge:
Leadership is about your SHIP
By: Velma Knowles If you ask 100 different people what leadership is, you could get over 200 different answers, because the concept of leadership is forever changing. However, I believe there is a lost art to leadership that many of us seek and only a few of us find. So, what is leadership? What is…
Read MoreThe Leading Edge: Essential Leadership Skills for Building Strong Teams
By: Jesse Smith A question I often get is, “Jesse, what do you see as the most important quality for a leader to possess?” I don’t know if I’ll ever come up with an answer for that. There are so many qualities that good leaders possess. Narrowing it down to one is close to impossible. Over…
Read MoreThe Leading Edge: How My Big Mouth Taught Me the Importance of Specific Leadership Skills
By: Randy Wheeler “If you show people how much you care and ask questions in a nonthreatening way, you’ll be amazed by how much they’ll tell you.” John C. Maxwell, Becoming a Person of Influence Confession: I am a very opinionated person. I have an amazing wife who has helped me learn not to be…
Read MoreThe Leading Edge: Connecting is the First Step to Leading a Team
By: Anza Goodbar I was first introduced to John Maxwell’s books in the 1990s while I was still figuring out what I wanted to do with my life and career. At the time, I was working for a prominent Christian non-profit that was experiencing explosive growth. The IT department, where I had just started working,…
Read MoreThe Leading Edge: Navigating Adversity – The Highest Level of Leadership
By: Lisa Hamm, PhD Nestled together with the scent of weathering and age of the old church in the air, the group of 49 organizational leaders sat on the edge of their seats in the basement of one of the most iconic leadership locations with one of the greatest leadership families of the 21st century.…
Read MoreIntentionality: Practical Advice for Pro-Active Leaders
By: Leslie Eldridge Leadership: What is it? One of the greatest leaders of all time, John Maxwell, is often quoted as saying, “Leadership is influence; nothing more, nothing less.” Most people have envisioned themselves as leaders, fantasizing about the world they will change, the people they will impact and the followers they will gain. We are…
Read MoreThe Leading Edge: Now You’re a Team Leader. Do You Know Where to Stand?
By: Sandra Kay Reynolds Leading is a tough task. The leader is responsible for the team and its progress and, yet, still must connect with the team. The first question a team leader may ask is, “What do I do?” A much better question is, “Where do I stand?” The most important thing to remember…
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