L2 – Simulcast!

Live International Webcast with John C. Maxwell and John Maxwell Team Members around the world October 9, 2014

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Using Math and Geometry in Your Leadership Approach

In John Maxwell’s quintessential classic, The 21 Irrefutable Laws of Success, 10th Anniversary Edition, there are two sentences on page 252 that just walloped me upside the head when I read them. They are: “Leaders who attract followers … impact only people they touch.” “Leaders who develop leaders … impact people beyond their reach.” By…

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90 Days to Success

I have been blessed to be one of a small group of John Maxwell Team members that leads new team members through our “90 Day Success Roadmap Program.” This program, started last fall, has been a great addition to what was already a stellar program. I remember when I joined the team back in July…

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Las 4 claves para tener éxito en el 2014

Normalmente comenzamos un nuevo año con muchas expectativas y con la firme decisión de crecer y avanzar en algunas áreas de nuestra vida. Pero el día a día nos arrastra y de repente nos encontramos con que, a pocas semanas de iniciado el 2014, ya nos hemos alejado de esas metas y buenos propósitos que…

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If You Can’t Make It Better, Don’t Make It Worse

My daughter, Kay, had gained a tremendous amount of weight during middle and high school. Her self-esteem plummeted in ratio with every pound she gained. Each ice cream cone she ate attempted to douse the fire of self-hatred brewing inside. Failing all her high school classes, she found what seemed to be a miracle high…

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Culture Trumps Everything

I have heard John Maxwell make that statement many times and I never get tired of hearing him teach on the subject of culture. This past February, at our semi-annual event, was no different. I think it’s one of John’s favorite topics to teach on because it is so important. In simple terms, culture is…

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El secreto para vencer el miedo

¿Qué le detiene de lograr lo que quiere? He planteado esta pregunta a los participantes de mis cursos en varias ocasiones. La respuesta es casi siempre la misma: Miedo. • Miedo a fallar • Miedo a no saber qué hacer • Miedo a hacer el ridículo • Miedo a perder el dinero • Miedo a…

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How to Shape Shift Time

What if you could “shape shift” time to meet your needs? I learned how to do it, let me explain: A decade ago, with shortness of breath, a heavy chest and irregular heartbeat, an emergency room doctor told me I was in good health but far too stressed out. She suggested I drop 20 pounds,…

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