The Leading Edge: The Fear of Public Speaking

Written by Michael Gueltig, Jr., certified John Maxwell Team coach, speaker and trainer. We’ve all heard that the fear of public speaking is one that ranks right up there with the fear of dying. Why is that? One reason is because we put so much pressure on trying to please everyone in the room. Of…

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Connecting With a Community

Most of us want to belong to a strong community. Whether it’s through our churches, our schools, or even our professional fields, we often find ourselves achieving higher pinnacles of success and growth when we take on partners who shape us. For Dr. Hopelyn M. Brown, joining a community where people could help her take…

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The Leading Edge: Where Is The Connection?

  There were 900 students in the auditorium. I was killing it. Three and a half minutes into my five-minute speech, I had them right where I wanted. Feeling confident about wrapping up the election for class President, I looked up at the audience to take it all in. And then “it happened.” As I…

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The Leading Edge: Beyond the Sky

Sometimes I stand in awe of how I’ve moved from where I once was to where I am today.   I am not astounded by physical, geographical, or career changes in my life, but by the changes in my heart and the person that I have become. Knowing what I know of my own journey,…

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From Success To Significance

Do you want to make a positive impact in the lives of others? How can you start changing the world around you? As John Maxwell says, “When you become more intentional, your life can transform from successful to significant.” In 2012, Gina Watts was a junior faculty member of a large university. With a passion…

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The Leading Edge: The Capacity to Lead Beyond the Military

One morning you wake up and you are a member of the U.S. Armed Forces. You have your entire life ahead of you and yet, you just stepped into the world where limits overlap no limits. That was my world for over 23 years and I loved it. I loved the travel, the diversity of…

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Use Setbacks To Set Up Success

At some point in our lives we will all experience grief. Losing a loved one, ending a marriage, or failing at a job can be difficult to overcome. So how can we bring ourselves back up when life kicks us down? As John Maxwell says, “Only by taking action can we pull ourselves out of…

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The Leading Edge: Understanding Capacity

The obvious response when posed with the question, “What is your capacity?” is most often, “Capacity for what?”   It has been my experience that a wrong definition will lead to a wrong destination. Working with the same definition will enhance our understanding and develop a deeper level of awareness within all of us. Therefore,…

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