Living the Dream – Tracy Worley

“Part of the Team… and Living the Dream” series…

“One year ago, I started my own company and partnered with the John Maxwell Team. I have not regretted my decision for a single moment. When you know your purpose in life and you fully use your gifts and talents those ‘things’ of yesterday no longer have any meaning. Recently, I received an award of recognition for educating our youth. When I accepted the award, I did so in honor of the John Maxwell Team, including its members, mentors and John Maxwell. Thank you for your dedication to adding value to our youth through the Team’s YouthMAX program and your support of me.” ~ Tracy Worley Montana, USA

Thank you Tracy and to all of my John Maxwell Team members who utilize the tools and resources of my YouthMAX program to add value to our youth. Together, we are making a difference!

If you would like to learn more about our YouthMAX program, go to: CLICK HERE.