
[wufoo username=”johnmaxwellteam” formhash=”pkbta790be3erc” autoresize=”true” height=”1932″ header=”show” ssl=”true”]

public speaking

You might be asking, “what’s in this for me?”
Here are a few of the benefits you will experience.
  • Exposure to over 15,000 John Maxwell Team (JMT) members from more than 145 countries around the world.
  • Opportunity to perform LIVE in front of an audience of 1500 – 4000 members in attendance.
  • Opportunity to perform at the upcoming International Maxwell Certification Event – a global leadership live training event. The winner will perform up to 10 times during the 3-day event.
  • The ability to include your performance at this event on your dossier, including photographs taken by the JMT professional photography team.
The International Maxwell Certification Spotlight Guidelines
  1. Contestant(s) must be between the ages of 15-25 years old.
  2. Contestant(s) may not be a John Maxwell Team member but John Maxwell Team family members and friends are welcome to audition.
  3. Contestant(s) under 18 must be accompanied by parent or guardian and must sign a release.
  4. Selected contestants must be willing to travel to Orlando, Florida and able to perform at one of the International Maxwell Certification events (February 18-21, 2018 or August 5-8, 2018).
    The John Maxwell Team provides the winner’s pre-approved travel, lodging and meals. Parent or Guardian of a minor receives lodging and meals but must Travel at their own expense.
  5. The John Maxwell Team owns the recording of the performance of the IMC Opening Ceremony. However, the winner will receive a copy of the recording and may promote it on your website and/or or social media ONLY when “The John Maxwell Team’s International Maxwell Certification Event” is included in the caption.
  6. Video submissions must include a visual presentation of you singing one song or a portion of two (2) songs of your choice. Please limit your submission/audition to no more than two (2) minutes.
    Upload the audition video to YouTube and provide the link on your contest entry form.
  7. While this is not a paid gig, having an opportunity to perform in front of a large, enthusiastic audience will add great value to your career.

Submissions must arrive on or before midnight US Eastern Time on November 30, 2017.

Winner(s) (and their parent/guardian if under the age of 18) will be notified before end of December.